Monday, 5 July 2010

A wonderful weekend but back to reality!

I had a very busy weekend but full of happy and fun time. On Sat, we went to a friend's wedding which we thought the bride and groom look great on the day (specially the beautiful bride), and we can see the effort they put into organising the wedding which makes the day very enjoyable. The wedding was very emotional when it came to the end, it made quite a lot of guest cried and we can really feel the love and thanks from bride and groom to their parents! Wish them a very happy marriage life and may God bless their new family with love and joy!

On Sun, it was our friend's birthday. It was a very sunny day full of BBQ food and guests. There must be more than 40 guests coming and going during the day. We're so glad that our friend enjoyed the celebration although she was so busy walking around and entertaining guests all day, ha ha ha.. We thought should we be us entertaining her instead but she's too busy for us to do so! We enjoyed the party so much, had eaten lots (shame have to do more aerobics to burn it off) and even took Roast Pork rice dinner with us to eat on train on the way back. Quiet a lot of friends were laughing at me as I took so much food away, they said I must have a 'Thick' face skin to do so, ha ha ha.... I guess that's what human do when they are poor and have no money!

Today back to reality, I don't like going to work now as nearly every office phone call, I heard my colleague talking to other colleague, mention my name and about the redundancy. I'm hoping that this topic will soon go away and people will be bored talking about it. I also had colleagues phoned and asked how I feel, I just wish they could go away and leave me alone as I can move on with my life happier that way. Anyway, I have completed the consultation paper where I outlined why I feel the company shouldn't select me for the process, now it's up to the Solution Director to make a decision. A further meeting is arranged for this Thurs, so I should know more. If I'm saved at this first round, would there be a second round and whether I want to go through this consultation process again! I doubt it!

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