Monday, 19 July 2010

Interesting Seminar ~ Forex Trading

Since the bad news came out from my company at beginning of July, I started to look for new ways of generating income instead of relying on a Job. One day, I saw an email with subject Forex Trading and it offered a very good discount, so I decided to join to learn something completely new. 

The seminar took place in London at the weekend and it was taught by Jimmy Young who had many years of foreign exchange trading experience. He's a very knowledgeable, experienced and funny person who really knows the subject well and know how to teach. At the beginning of the seminar, he said some quotes below which is very encouraging to someone who's new to Forex Trading.

" When you TRADE, you've no clue on what's going to happen next! It's uncomfortable way to earn money but it works with Pattern."

"Force yourself to make effort you need to make. Need to be Patient as you'll need to learn to Trade! Get Serious!"

The most important quote is as follow:

"If you don't believe you can do it, you'll never do it!"

"Make the effort to get there, believe in yourself!"

He's obviously right that starting something new need lots of effort and a strong mindset to believe in yourself. Forex trading also involves risk but it's about managing your risk to a level that you can afford. I've learnt so much during the weekend which I believe it worths looking further. I should share more later about what Forex trading is and what needs to do to start trading.

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