Wednesday, 28 July 2010

How confident are you???

I watched a TV programme this evening called 'How To Look Good Naked?' which was presented by Gok Wan. He's a fashion designer who shows women how to look fantastic and love who they are with or without their clothes on, and no matter what their body shape (all without a surgeon's scalpel in sight).

The one thing that had an impact on me in tonight's programme is how the attitude and mindset the lady had changed from before the programme to when the programme ended. I believe most woman (including myself) do not have 100% confident in our own body shape or appearance.

Gok Wan showed the lady she could look good with the right style of clothes on no matter what the shape is, he also mentioned so many times that the most important thing is you need to have confident in whoever you are and love who you are (which is very similar to bible message as God created each individual specially and we're beautiful and precious to HIM! HE values how we are inside instead of outside!). Sometimes it's just wonderful being reminded again with this kind of message!   

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