Thursday, 15 July 2010

Importance of looking after your FINANCE!!!

I had a really enjoyable girly's dinner last night with 2 other friends. It was nice to catch up with things as one of my friend just came back from long HK holiday. We talked about lots of topics and the best bit was near the end where we had a discussion about Finance.

We found out so many people that don't review their financial situation and keep depending on bank overdraft or credit card loans. Because of this, they are always poor and it leads to the partner who needs to take control and in charge of them in order to put their life back to normal. And eventually they can enjoy life, go holiday and do things that are beyond their needs.

Therefore, if you find out your boyfriend/ girlfriend or  husband/ wife are in same situation, it may worth reviewing their monthly INCOME & EXPENSE by clearly listing down every item (table below is only my suggestion, you may have other items to add). When they see the figure in writing, I can tell you they'll be in shock and has no answer to you (the mouth open without anything to say!!).

Monthly Financial Review

MISC (such as stock, property rental income etc)               

Total Income                                                                    

Less Expenditure:
Bills (electricity, gas, water, mobile, landline phone etc)       
Car (petrol, insurance, road tax etc)                                    
Entertainment (gym and any kind of regular hobby)              
Credit card monthly instalment (if there is any)                    

Total Expenditure                                                            

Net Income = Total Income less Total Expenditure       

But be honest, a healthy relationship with healthy finance would lead to a better and happier life between the pair of you. And imagine going to a holiday without worrying too much about money and overdraft, that's a real relaxation!