Monday, 12 July 2010

Experience ~ First Car Boot Sales

I woke up so early yesterday (at around 5.45am) to go to Car Boot Sales near Harrogate, this is my first experience of doing this kind of things. I found it fun (even though I only sold around £20 of stuff) and I've learnt and experienced how hard life it is for those people in HK or China who stand on the street all day trying to sell their products.

When a potential buyer looked at the things on our stand, there was nothing we can do apart from trying to say how perfect or new the product is, but the decision whether to buy or not is still up to them. The moment they decided to buy the product is very exciting and happy, but when nobody came to your stand it could feel really sad and desperate for sales!

Unfortunately the weather wasn't too nice yesterday, it was very windy and cool but thanks God it didn't rain. Otherwise, we would have to quickly put everything back to the car. There weren't many public buyers who came to Car Boot Sales yesterday and we think it's because of the windy weather. My friend told me normally this place is quite busy.

I sold quite a lot of board games yesterday but there were a bit of panic yesterday. When the buyer agreed to buy the MiWii, I found out that inside the box, it didn't have the adapter but the kid so want it that he tried to persuade his father to buy. Therefore, my clever friend said to him we'll deliver the adapter to him, luckily they just live near to my home.

I also nearly sold a fitness ball and dvd set but when I opened the box, I found out the bump went missing, so the buyer couldn't buy it at the end. I can't believer I'm so careless and I learnt a lesson that I should check and make sure all components are in the box before I sell it. Andy my husband just laughed at me when he found out the two mistakes I made, I found it funny too, ha ha ha..

I don't think I would be that excited to go to Car Boot Sales for the second time as the time and effort put into this I could be doing other things to make money. This is a very good experience in life though!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like good experience and u experience quiet a lot
