Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Restaurant offers in Leeds

My friend from HK has arrived Leeds yesterday and will stay at ours for few days. Therefore, I'm trying to research some good restaurant to take her out for dinner tonight. I personally prefer restaurants or country pub that are outside Leeds city centre but shame I don't like driving too far unless my husband is going with me. Anyway, I found the following restaurant offers which you may also find it useful:

Early Bird Menu:

There are also other restaurant vouchers which you can print off from this site to use - http://www.vouchercodes.co.uk/restaurant-vouchers.html
Enjoy eating out with a bargain discount!


  1. They are all nice restaurants and most of them I want to but haven't got chance yet. You should publish this earlier. What a pity!

  2. Where is my comment? I have written three times but still not shown?

  3. Saw your comments la... I think I should have posted it earlier, ha ha.. but u know i only have time to do it now. When u come to visit us after few months, we can go to some of these to enjoy!
