Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Decision Day!

Today is the day where the Director suppose to inform us who would be made redundant but thanks God I feel so peaceful and happy in the morning, specially after speaking to my close friend in Hong Kong. I really miss them a lot, all the girl's chat, the fun and the night we stay up till late to play games. Thanks for being my friend, you are all so important to me!!!

Meetings were arranged to see us individually, first one at 11.30am and me at 12.15pm, while the colleague on maternity leave is on holiday (so she's not coming in). My colleague came to the office early to prepare for the meeting. He looked upset and angry with the consultation process, but I can understand why because he's got 4 children and a wife to look after. I feel his worry as he is the support of the family. He fights for the family's living and during the meeting, we could hear his voice even though we sat outside the meeting room. He's really fighting for survival.

For me, this job is not as urgent as I don't have children to look after. I have always want to have some freedom and take a career break and therefore, I don't mind voluntarily redundancy. No decision has been made today and posts are still at risk. The process is so so so long, when is it going to end???


  1. Glad you have a 平常心. God will guide you and give you the best. We are always support you tooooooooooooo!

  2. Thx ar Connie beautiful Tai!!! xxxxx
