Friday, 2 July 2010

Search on Wedding Card Message

Today is such a beautiful day with sun shining outside and most importantly, it's FRIDAY, Hurray!!! I suppose to start writing a case to explain to the company why my post shouldn't be at risk and provide business ideas on how the company can generate more sales, but for some reason I'm not motivated to do so.

Instead, I spent sometime on Internet searching for wedding card messages instead as I'm going to friend's wedding tomorrow and want to get some idea on what to write on card. Here are some interesting wedding card messages I found on website and you may find it useful too if you can't think of what to say:

  1. "Wishing you the best of things in your marriage. We're confident that you two will be a blessing to each other and those who you meet along your journey."

  2. "Marriage is a chance to be an example of the love that our creator has shown us."

  3. "We are praying that God guides you in your new adventure. May God pour out blessings on you two."

  4. Here's to success in your new titles, bride, groom, husband, wife, and any more you will pick up over the years together."

  5. "The ride to a good married life may not always be smooth. So hold on to your seat and enjoy the ride! Happy wedding!"

  6. "The road ahead may be uncertain. Welcome the new challenges in your life with a smile. Congratulations!"

  7. "The melody of love just let out a perfect tune. Congratulations on your wedding!"

  8. "When you are in love, the world just seems a lot brighter. Have a happy married life."
Here are some funny ones:

  1. "A good marriage is where two people love each other and decide to screw everything up by forcing themselves to stay together through anything. Here's to your good decision!"

  2. Newlyweds argue over little things. Old couples argue over little things. Newlyweds make up easily. Old couples make up easily. The only difference is make-up-sex as opposed to 'make-up-'Jeopardy'. Whishing you the best through the awkward years in between sex and Jeopardy."

  3. "Hold tight and prepare for your marriage life. Call 911 if you need help! Seriously, you can count on me to be there!"

  4. "You may have arguments everyday. That's okay if it would be you have to wrestle every night in bed. Congratulations on your wedding!"
By the way, I went to meet a recruitment agent yesterday after work and he seems very positive with my CV and my job hunting, so I will see whether he'll get back to me on any job opportunities. Hopefully better opportunities come soon!


  1. This is a useful blog. I have saved it to my favourite as I am not good at writing cards especial wedding occasion. I don't need to worry about what I should write to my friend who is getting marry next month now. Also, can use them for Daniel and Candy's wedding. Hahaha... Connie

  2. Yeap, that's what I'm thinking. I want to post something useful where you girls can use it! Thanks for viewing my Blog! How about you make one for yourself too???

  3. This is useful Carmen, will come back to have a look in the future.
