Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Leeds Property Network Meeting

Due to the fact that I'm quite free now without everyday work commitment, I went to the Leeds Property Network meeting with my husband to social and get to know other investors. It was a bit wierd at the beginning as I didn't know much people there, but once I got to talk to them, I did enjoy this evening a lot. 

Tonight, I met someone who I talked to few months ago in PIN meeting where he just started to learn property investment. And only few months later, he's already started his Property Letting business. Congrads to his success and determination to move things forward! It just shows how one person can achieve when you have the right mindset and keep focus!

Topic wise, there was a speaker tonight talking about how to maximise traffic to property website. It was interesting and I believe this is something my husband and his business partners would need to put more time and effort in. Good luck to them and hopefully will achieve success in terms of Internet marketing!

After the talk, I spoke to another investor who is now also doing personal coaching section apart from property investment. It's amazing to see how he can analyse someone so quickly and how his advice can make us think differently. He's now starting to coach couple to improve relationship as investors always spend most of their time on business, and forget the other half or even son/ daughter waiting for them at home. You'll be amazed to know how many property investors achieved success but end up divorcing and losing custody of son/ daughter. I really think what he's doing is meaningful and could help so many family!

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