Monday, 9 August 2010

Last Day at Work!

Last Friday was my last day at Tribal after nearly 7 years of working there. I joined the company as a junior financial consultant being trained to carry out Local authorities' housing finance and options appraisal, and studied CIPFA accountancy qualification at the same time. After I qualified in CIPFA, I moved to the RSL sector to learn their finance regulation and business planning tool.

I learned huge amount of skills in these seven years working in Tribal, from being a graduate who had no experience in housing finance, no experience in handling clients and scared of taking phonecalls, to what I was a consultant being able to talk to client confidently via email, phonecalls, client meetings and client trainings. They are something I never thought I would be able to do. Thanks for all my previous colleagues who had patience in giving me training, and also trusting me to carry out the work.

At the leaving do last Friday, 12 of us went to a local pub for lunch. It was a surprise that so many of my colleagues turned up (because consultant work from home and they don't live in Leeds). After the meal, my line manager gave a leaving speech and thanks for all my hard work during the past years. They also bought me a very nice leaving present and brunch of flowers. Then, it was my turn to give a speech but for some reason, I was so emotional and tears just came out which I couldn't stop. As a result, I didn't manage to make the speech but of course, I did give them a big hug at the end and thanks them individually.

Don't know what it will be like when I start working from home tomorrow instead of physically going to work in office? It will be interesting to find out.

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